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diabetes drug metformin inhibition of pancreatic cancer progress
Update time:2016-08-21 23:46:39   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Recently, the Massachusetts general hospital (MGH) researchers found that "diabetes drug metformin inhibition of pancreatic cancer progress" behind this ability of a new mechanism. Metformin is a kind of double guanidine kind oral fall blood sugar medicine, particularly suited to use simple diet control and physical exercise therapy invalid type II diabetes, namely obese type 2 diabetes

The researchers first found in obese animals model of pancreatic cancer, those who take metformin, the expression of hyaluronic acid and collagen protein-1 drop, with less activation of pancreatic stellate cells (PSC).Research in artificial culture cell, identified metformin to reduce PSCs produce hyaluronic acid and collagen protein-1, and prevent tumor associated macrophage (can increase inflammatory environment) recruitment of signal transduction pathways.

Using Metformin combine with insulin, can reduce the dosage of insulin, prevent the occurrence of hypoglycaemia. Insulin, as a kind of common diabetes drug, has a large demand. EIAAB can provide accurate detection of insulin levels in biological samples related ELISA kit,  for scientific researcher to order.

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