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ASC has contrary functions in tumor genesis
Update time:2016-10-12 18:24:12   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Apoptosis-associated Speck-like protein containing a CARD (ASC) is an adaptor protein encoded by the PYCARD gene. ASC was originally named because it triggered apoptosis in certain tumors. It contains two protein–protein interaction domains: a pyrin domain (PYD) at N-terminal and a caspase recruitment domain (CARD) at C-terminal.

ASC increases mitochondrial permeability, as well as cytochrome c release, resulting in activation of cell apoptosis initiator caspase-9 and apoptosis executioner caspase-3.

As an important mediate protein of inflammasome, ASC is highly expressed in immune cells, especially in neutrophils and monocytes.  

ASC acts as a tumor suppressor gene in certain tumor cell lines such as promyelocytic leukemia HL-60. However, in melanoma, its role is more complicated. ASC switch from an anti-tumor factor in primary melanoma to a pro-tumorigenic factor in metastatic melanoma. It inhibits NF-κB activity in primary melanoma, whereas in metastatic melanoma, it enhances NF-κB activity. The influence of ASC on NF-κB is either suppressive or active depends on the cellular context. As a consequence, it plays stage-dependent dual roles in human melanoma tumorigenesis.

Wuhan EIAab Science Co., devotes to the research and development of lifescience. The company offers the ELISA Kit (Cat No.E3198h) for quantitative detection of Human ASC.



Liu W, Luo Y, Dunn J H, et al. Dual role of apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD (ASC) in tumorigenesis of human melanoma.[J]. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2013, 133(2):518-27.

Masumoto J; Taniguchi S; Ayukawa K; Sarvotham H; Kishino T; Niikawa N; Hidaka E; Katsuyama T; Higuchi T; Sagara J. ASC, a novel 22-kDa protein, aggregates during apoptosis of human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells.[J]. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1999, 274(48):33835-8.

Stehlik C, Fiorentino L, Dorfleutner A, et al. The PAAD/PYRIN-family protein ASC is a dual regulator of a conserved step in nuclear factor kappaB activation pathways.[J]. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2002, 196(12):1605-15.

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