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Betatrophin-A New Therapy for Diabetes
Update time:2017-08-18 01:35:23   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Diabetes has been one of the most typical diseases now, which could cause clinically high-level of blood sugar, chronic damages and a series of dysfunction in organs, which brings lots of troubles for our lives. However, the effectively therapy is lacking around the world.


 An important target by diabetes effect is pancreatic β-cell, which indicates blood glucose levels and secretes appropriate insulin to regulate glucose and energy homeostasis. Hence, restoration of the functional β-cell mass is potentially a key aim of diabetes therapy.

Based on the previous studies, researchers found that betatrophin, which was encoded by GM6484, could significantly trigger β?cell proliferation to enhance insulin production. Notably, betatrophin transgenic overexpression in liver could accelerate the process, which has been confirmed in mouse with type II diabetes. In addition, betatrophin is a highly-conserved secreted protein in lives of mammalian species, which confirms its suitability in therapeutic approaches

The discovery of betatrophin suggests a newly diabetes therapy. If the discovery is feasible, it will benefit us. Hence, the related mechanism and application remain to be further studied.


                                          Fig.1Betatrophin in Mice                                 Fig.2 SDS-PAGE of Betatrophin


EIAAB successfully expressed Betatrophin, which encoded by GM6484 in mouse, and provides Betatrophin ELISA kit for scientific researches. Please contact us for the details.

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