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PVSRIPO is defined as an adjuvant and cancer immunotherapy potential
Update time:2017-09-22 02:04:29   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Tumors grow in the bodies with affecting the microenvironment, which disturb antitumor innate and adaptive immune responses to cause immunosuppressive. Hence, the study defined PVSRIPO as an adjuvant and cancer immunotherapy potential, which was published at Sep.20th on Science.




As the engineered hybrid of poliovirus and rhinovirus, PVSRIPO is a kind of oncolytic viruses that could kill cancer cells without damaging the normal tissues. An oncolytic virus preferred to infect and kill cancer cells by oncolysis and continuously releasing new infectious virus particles or virions. Oncolytic viruses might not only destroy the tumor cells, but also improve the anti-tumor immunity. Enterovirus RIGVIR from ECHO-7 strain was the first oncolytic virus and approved for treatment of skin melanoma in 2004. In 2005, a genetically modified adenovirus named H101 from China was approved for the treatment of head and neck cancer from the CFDA.




In current researches, PVSRIPO was used against recurrent malignant glioma, which was a known treatment-refractory cancer and defined as the World Health Organization (WHO) grade IV. The scientists determined that PVSRIPO improved anticancer immunity in two methods. On the one hand, neoplastic cells released the proteome, and exposed pathogen- and damage-associated molecular patterns. On the other hand, antigen-presenting cells produced potent, sustained type I interferon against the immunosuppressed microenvironment and then improved the responses of tumor antigen–specific T cell in vitro and antitumor immunity in vivo. The study was shown the mechanistic evidence that PVSRIPO functions as a potent intratumor immune adjuvant that generates tumor antigen–specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses.






MC Brown, EK Holl, D Boczkowski et al. Cancer immunotherapy with recombinant poliovirus induces IFN-dominant activation of dendritic cells and tumor antigen–specific CTLs. Sci Transl Med, 2017, 9 (408): eaan4220. DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aan4220


J Nemunaitis. Oncolytic viruses. Investigational New Drugs, 1999, 17 (4): 375–86.


MS Ferguson, NR Lemoine, Y Wang. Systemic Delivery of Oncolytic Viruses: Hopes and Hurdles. Advances in Virology,2012, 2012: 1–14.


BD Lichty, CJ Breitbach, DF Stojdl, JC Bell. Going viral with cancer immunotherapy. Nat Rev Cancer, 2014, 14 (8): 559–67.




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