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A new antibody may block HIV infection
Update time:2018-01-16 23:42:52   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

        HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus), is an Lentivirus that infects the human immune system and is one of the antiretroviruses. In 1983, the human immunodeficiency virus was first detected in the United States. The virus destroys the body's immune system and causes the immune system to lose its resistance, leading to diseases and cancers that can survive in the body and eventually lead to AIDS.

        In a new study, the researchers from USA have produced a kind of three specific antibody, and the three specific antibody of three HIV combined fragments derived from the three kinds of natural antibodies,  that are effective in neutralizing many HIV strains.In the lab, this three specific antibody can prevent more HIV strains from infecting cells than a single natural antibody, and it can be incorporated into three different critical sites of HIV.



          At present, the researchers are planning an early clinical trial of the three-specific antibody among healthy people and people with HIV, and hope that it will eventually be used for long-term prevention and treatment of HIV. By combining with three different sites of HIV, the virus should be more difficult to escape from the three-specific antibody than a single natural antibody. Maybe this new antibody will stop the HIV infection. Wuhan EIAab research staff have developed various research kits and welcome the selection of scientific research personnel.



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