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mTOR signaling pathway is associated with tumor potential
Update time:2018-05-21 19:58:49   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

     Mammalian target protein (mTOR) is an atypical serine/threonine kinase, which is a member of the protein family of the PIKKs kinase associated with phosphatidyl inositol kinase. MTOR evolution is relatively conservative, but integration of nutrition, energy, and growth factors and other extracellular signals, participate in gene transcription, protein translation, biological processes such as ribosome synthesis and cell apoptosis, also play a very important role in cell growth. Studies have shown that mice are more likely to die after mTOR knockout. Studying the relationship between mTOR and related diseases can provide a potential target for disease treatment.

    The mTOR signaling pathway is diverse and determines its key role in the development of disease. Studies on mTOR pathway regulation may be helpful for future treatment.

    MTOR pathway mainly affects mRNA translation and protein synthesis. If the pathway is maladjusted, it may lead to abnormal cell proliferation, indicating that it is closely related to the development of tumor. The scientists found a linear relationship between tumor recurrence rate and mTOR expression in metastatic lymph nodes in pT2b gastric cancer. The expression of mTOR phosphorylation was significantly correlated with metastatic lymph nodes, while the expression of p-mtor in metastatic lymph nodes was also associated with the low survival rate after the disease. The researchers showed that in prostate cancer, the specific therapy targeted at mTOR was significantly increased in anti-tumor effect compared to single measures after combined with anti-androgen therapy. The precursors of cerebellar granulocytes may develop into neuroblastoma in pediatric brain tumors. In addition, the study found that lovastatin, a statin, can obviously inhibit the mouse neuroblastoma protein synthesis. The effect is also part of PI3K/mTOR pathway mediated. And shows that in the study of tumor therapy, mTOR pathway is widely involved. It is likely to have new breakthrough for tumor treatment.

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