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Infusions of young blood tested in patients with dementia
Update time:2018-05-27 19:17:46   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


   Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disease that severely affects life and work and attaches aged people mostly. Its cause and pathogenesis have not been cleared now, and there is no effective methods to cure this disease. But recent study has given us some inspiration.

   The researchers tested people aged between 54 and 86 with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. The team gave the 18 subjects weekly infusions for four weeks. They studied either a saline placebo or plasma — blood from which the red cells have been removed — from blood donors aged 18–30. During the study, the team monitored the patients to assess their cognitive skills,emotion control and general abilities to organize their lives independently.The results suggest the procedure is safe and predict it could even improve the ability of people with dementia to undertake everyday skills such as shopping or preparing a meal.

   Researchers who conducted the trial and others caution that the sample size is too small that based on just 18 people to be fully believe,and therefore are only the first step in exploring this type of treatment. Blood-transfusion trials are controversial because the active molecules in plasma that seem to lead to the purported effects are unknown. The effects of young blood on cognition have not been replicated by an independent group, and there has never been a test with a mouse model of Alzheimer’s,frequently exposing older people to foreign plasma may be unsafe, because hyperactivation of their immune systems could lead to autoimmune or inflammatory disease.

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