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A new tumor suppressor protein is expected to bring new breakthroughs in liver cancer diagnosis and treatment
Update time:2018-08-22 19:27:42   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

LHPP is a novel tumor suppressor protein that removes histidine-linked phosphate groups from proteins. LHPP inhibits tumors and maintains liver function: In healthy tissues, LHPP can be normally expressed. In patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, LHPP expression gradually decreases or even disappears as the cancer develops. Decreased levels of LHPP, increased histone phosphorylation of protein in the body, increased the activity of some proteins and activated related pathways, thereby inducing cancer and shortening the life expectancy of patients. LHPP is expected as a biomarker to assess the risk or progression of liver cancer in patients, and to change the status of liver cancer treatment. In addition, researchers have also found that LHPP is associated with oral cancer, throat cancer, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

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