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Expression of hGM-CSF in silk glands of transgenic silkworms using gene targeting vector
Update time:2012-03-05 16:25:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

The silk gland of the silkworm is a highly specialized organ that has the wonderful ability to synthesize and secrete silk protein. To express human granucyto-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) in the posterior silk glands of genetargeted silkworms, a targeting vector pSK-FibL-LA3GFP- PH-GMCSF-LPA-FibL-R was constructed, harboring a 1.2 kb portion of the left homogenous arm (FibL-L), a 0.5 kb portion of the right homogenous arm (FibL-R), fibroin H-chain-promoter-driven hGM-CSF and silkworm actin 3-promoter-driven gfp. The targeting vector was then introduced into the eggs of silkworm, and the transgenic silkworms were verified by PCR and DNA hybridization after being screened for the gfp gene. Western blotting analysis using an antibody against hGM-CSF demonstrated a specific band with a molecular weight of 22 kD in the silk glands of the G3 generation transgenic silkworms. The level of expression of hGM-CSF in the posterior silk glands of the G3 generation transgenic silkworms was approximately 2.70 ng/g of freezedried powdered posterior silk gland. These results showed that the heterologous gene could be introduced into the silkworm genome and expressed successfully. Further more, the exogenous genes existing in the G5 transgenic silkworm identified by PCR confirmed its integration stability. In addition, the silk glands containing expressed hGM-CSF performed the function of significantly increasing leukocyte count of CY-treated mice in a time-anddose- dependent manner. 

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Source:Transgenic Res      by R Xue, H Chen, L Cui, et al.
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