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Relation of locus 1p13 rs646776 polymorphism with the risk of preeclampsia
Update time:2018-03-27 10:08:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


Objective: This study aimed to assess the relation of locus 1p13 rs646776 (T/C) polymorphism with preeclampsia in Egyptian women.

Methods: The study included 100 healthy pregnant female subjects and 100 preeclampsia patients. The genotypes of the polymorphisms were assessed. Endothelin-1 level was determined in plasma.

Results: The major T allele of the 1p13.3 genomic region rs646776 polymorphism had a higher frequency in preeclampsia patients. Carriers of C allele had significantly lower endothelin-1 levels, lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, decreased proteinuria, and increased HDL-C in the patients.

Conclusion: The rare C allele of rs646776 polymorphism in chromosomal locus 1p13.3 is associated with decreased risk of preeclampsia.

Cited products
Source:Hypertension in Pregnancy      by R H. Emam, M H. Ghattas, N M. Mesbah, et al.
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