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Gingival crevicular fluid levels of human beta-defensin-1 in type 2 diabetes mellitus and periodontitis
Update time:2018-05-25 11:25:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small



Human β-defensin (hBD)-1 is an important gatekeeper of the gingiva against constant bacterial challenge, and glucose levels are involved in its optimal expression. The aims of the study were to investigate hBD-1 levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and to compare these levels between type 2 diabetics with or without periodontitis and healthy individuals.

Materials and methods

Altogether, 81 subjects were included in the study: 21 subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) suffering from generalized periodontitis (T2DM?+?GP), 18 systemically healthy generalized periodontitis patients (GP), 18 periodontally healthy T2DM subjects (T2DM?+?H), and 24 systemically and periodontally healthy subjects (control). Plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing pocket depth (PPD), and clinical attachment level (CAL) were recorded, and GCF samples were collected. hBD-1 levels in GCF were measured using ELISA.


hBD-1 levels were significantly reduced in the T2DM?+?GP and GP groups. Although PI and GI scores were similar in both periodontally healthy groups, hBD-1 levels were lower in the T2DM?+?H group. In the whole population, hBD-1 levels correlated negatively with all periodontal parameters.


Both diabetes and periodontitis affect hBD-1 levels in GCF.

Clinical relevance

The altered levels of hBD-1 in GCF of diabetics might be associated with the susceptibility of diabetics to periodontitis.


Antimicrobial peptides Diabetes mellitus Periodontitis Gingival crevicular fluid 

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Source:Clinical Oral Investigations      by D Yilmaz, F Caglayan, E Buber, et al.
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