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Bystander Me45 Melanoma Cells Increase Damaging Effect in UVC-irradiated Cells
Update time:2019-03-29 10:38:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small



The aim of our study was to investigate the possible mechanism(s) of the bystander effect induced by UVC light in malignant melanoma Me45 cells that were co‐incubated with irradiated cells of the same line. We have found that the UVC band effectively generated apoptosis, premature senescence, single and double DNA strand breaks and reduced clonogenic survival of bystander cells. However, in the feedback response, the bystander cells intensified damage in directly irradiated cells, especially seen at the level of apoptosis and survival of clonogenic cells. Pretreatment of bystander cells with inhibitor of inducible nitric oxide synthase blocks this signaling. It seems that the mediators of this phenomenon produced and secreted by neighboring cells are superoxide, nitric oxide and TGF‐β. The reverse deleterious effect caused by cells not exposed to UVC in directly exposed cells is opposed to the protective/rescue effect exerted by the bystander cells in the case of ionizing radiation known in the literature. Whether this opposite adverse effect is a feature of only Me45 melanoma cells or whether it is a general phenomenon occurring between cells of other types exposed to ultraviolet radiation requires further research.

Cited products
Source:Photochemistry and Photobiology      by A Krzywon, M Widel.
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