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Study on the changes of urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine levels and burden of heavy metal around e-waste dismantling site
Update time:2012-03-12 11:01:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

To examine the relations between the burden of blood copper (B-Cu), blood ferrous (B-Fe), and the oxidative stress in people around electronic waste (e-waste) recycling sites, this study measured and analyzed the level of urinary 8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHDG) of these people. Exposed groups, consisted of female groups (directly exposed group n=100, indirectly exposed group n=54) and male groups (directly exposed group n=98, indirectly exposed group n=34), were chosen from e-waste recycling sites. Control group (female n=59, male=32) was selected from a green plantation. Questionnaire surveys for risk factors were also performed. Results indicated the male directly exposed group (lg8-OHDG nmol/mol creatinine, mean±SD, 3.55±0.49) showed a lower 8-OHDG level than the male control group (lg8-OHDG nmol/mol creatinine, mean±SD, 3.89±0.29) (pb0.01), Meanwhile, an elevated B-Fe in male directly exposed group (lgB-Fe ug/L 3.11±0.25) were observed compared with the male control group (lgB-Fe ug/L 2.83±0.22) (pb0.01). The levels of urinary 8-OHDG were negatively associated with blood ferrous, as confirmed by linear regression model (unstandardized regression coefficient, beta=?0.215, pb0.05). The present study suggests that the exposure to e-waste might cause the elevation of B-Fe and result in the changes of urinary 8-OHDG levels. 

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Source:Science of the Total Environment      by Hongmei Wang , Shihai Lv, Fasheng Li, Qian Liu, Shen Ke
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