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Talin 2 concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with epilepsy
Update time:2012-03-12 11:05:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Objectives: Talin 2 plays an important role in cell adhesion and recycling of synaptic vesicles. To explore the possible role of talin 2 in epilepsy, we designed current study to quantitatively evaluate the changes in talin 2 levels in different epilepsy patients.

Design and methods: We measured talin 2 levels in CSF and the serum of postencephalitic epilepsy (PEE) patients (subdivided into drug-refractory PEE—RPEE, and drug-effective PEE—EPEE groups) and acute encephalitis patients (subdivided into acute encephalitis with secondary seizures—AESS, and acute encephalitis without seizures—AE) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

Results: We found that, in RPEE patients, interictal CSF–talin 2 concentrations significantly increased, whereas serum–talin 2 significantly decreased when compared with the AE, AESS, and EPEE groups.

Conclusions: This result suggested that the differential concentration of CSF and serum–talin 2 in the RPEE group is an intractability-related phenomenon that might be involved in the development of RPEE.

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Source:Clinical Biochemistry      by Zheng Xiao1, Lan Shen1, Dan Chen, Liang Wang, Zhiqin Xi, Fei Xiao, Xuefeng Wang
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