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Relationship between glycaemic control and oxidative stress in elderly diabetic patients
Update time:2014-04-21 19:18:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Abstract:Background: Oxidative stress is characterized by an increased concentration of O2-derived products that provoke critical, even irreversible, cell injury. In diabetes mellitus, oxidative stress results both from exposure to hyperglycaemia and from functional limitation of the hexose monophosphate shunt. Aim: Assess relationship between glycaemic control and oxidative stress in elderly diabetic patients. Methodology: Cross sectional study, Ain Shams University, 82 subjects > 50 years, full clinical assessment, FBS (fasting blood sugar), 2 hour PP (post prandial), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), TAC (total antioxidant capacity), MDA (malonyldialdehyde ) measured. Results: Patients with nephropathy have higher levels of MDA and lower levels of TAC. Patients with neuropathy and retinopathy have higher levels of MDA than those without (statistically not significant). There was a slightly negative correlation between FBS, HBA1C and TAC and slightly positive correlation between MDA and FBS, HBA1C. MDA showed a slightly negative correlation with TAC. Patients on insulin therapy have the higher level of MDA and the lower level of TAC in comparison to the other two groups (not statistically significant). Conclusion: In elderly diabetic patients oxidative stress is highest in those suffering from nephropathy. 

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Source:Middle East Journal of Age & Ageing      by HMF Wahba, EF Tash, WW Aly, et al.
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