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Circulating Betatrophin Is Increased in Patients with Overt and Subclinical Hypothyroidism
Update time:2016-07-27 00:10:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Thyroid hormone (TH) affects many metabolic processes such as promoting oxidation of sugar, fat, and protein in many tissues. Thyroid dysfunction is associated with metabolic disorders. The newly discovered adipocyte- and hepatocyte-derived cytokine, betatrophin, has been reported to be involved in metabolic diseases, but its influence on thyroid dysfunction is uncertain. Therefore, the present study aims to evaluate circulating betatrophin levels in subjects with different thyroid function status and to predict the factors associated with betatrophin levels, especially whether thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), TH, or thyroid autoantibodies are associated with betatrophin levels. In the study, serum betatrophin was measured in the subjects grouped as overt hypothyroidism (OH), subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH), euthyroid with isolated thyroid peroxidase antibody positivity (isolated Ab), and healthy control (HC), according to their thyroid functions. From our results, we found that betatrophin may be associated with thyroid insufficiency but not thyroid autoimmunity. Thus, when interpreting the results of betatrophin, thyroid functions should also be taken into consideration.


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Source:BioMed research international      by Han C, Xia X, Liu A, et al.
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