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betatrophin in Diabetes Mellitus: the Epidemiological Evidence in Humans
Update time:2019-05-06 17:12:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide, and while numerous treatments exist, none of the current pharmacologic therapies is curative. Pharmacologic approaches that increase beta cell mass may present an avenue for actual cure. There have been numerous reports on factors that can induce beta cell proliferation in rodents, whereas there are still very limited data on the occurrence of beta cell proliferation in humans. The recent discovery of the hormone betatrophin, which in mice counteracted glucose intolerance induced by insulin resistance by potently stimulating beta cell proliferation, has boosted the hope for a new target for drug development for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in humans. With the encouraging preclinical findings as a background, this review presents the available clinical data on betatrophin and discusses its possible role in humans.


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Source:Current Diabetes Reports      by D Espes, M Martinell, H Liljebäck, PO Carlsson
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