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Diagnostic and prognostic validity of Golgi protein 73 in hepatocellular carcinoma
Update time:2016-09-26 02:25:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


BACKGROUND: Golgi protein 73 (GP73) expressions have been detected in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and bile duct carcinoma. AIM: Our purpose was to determine the serum levels of GP73 in patients with HCCand to compare them with α-fetoprotein (AFP) levels.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy-five patients with HCC, 55 patients with cirrhosis and 28 healthy controls were included.

RESULTS: The median serum GP73 levels were 0.27 ng/ml (range = 0.078-4.95) in controls, 0.32 ng/ml (range = 0.078-39.63) in cirrhotics and 0.21 ng/ml (range = 0.053-4.98) in those with HCC. The median serum AFP levels were 1.37 ng/ml (range = 0.61-6.89) in controls, 2.32 ng/ml (range = 0.61-85.24) in cirrhotics and 50.65 ng/ml (range = 0.8-37,642) in HCC patients (p < 0.0001 for HCC vs. controls and cirrhotics). The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of GP73 were 82, 9, 55 and 27%, respectively. Whereas the levels were 68, 94, 94 and 70%, respectively, for AFP(13) and 60, 98, 97 and 64% for AFP(20), respectively. There was no correlation between GP73 levels and other prognostic parameters including tumor size, tumor type, Child-Pugh classification, TNM staging, Cancer of the Liver Italian Program score, portal vein thrombosis and extrahepatic metastasis.

CONCLUSIONS: GP73 has a lower diagnostic and prognostic value for HCCAFP is superior to GP73 for diagnosis of early HCC.

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Source:Digestion      by zkan H, Erdal H, Tutkak H, et al.
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