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Gene name Organism Protein name Available products Remark Cat..
AGE Mouse Advanced glycation end-product 0263m
AGE Human Advanced glycation end-product 0263h
AGE Rat Advanced glycation end-product 0263r
Gpt2 (Aat2) Mouse Alanine aminotransferase 2 0265m
GPT2 (AAT2,ALT2) Human Alanine aminotransferase 2 0265h
LAT Human Linker for activation of T-cells family member 1 0270h
Lat Mouse Linker for activation of T-cells family member 1 0270m
Lat Rat Linker for activation of T-cells family member 1 0270r
ITGAV Chicken Integrin alpha-V 0271c
ITGAV (MSK8,VNRA) Human Integrin alpha-V 0271h
ITGAV Bovine Integrin alpha-V 0271b
Itgav Mouse Integrin alpha-V 0271m
Sptan1 (Spna2,Spta2) Rat Spectrin alpha chain, brain 0292r
SPTAN1 (SPTA2) Chicken Spectrin alpha chain, brain 0292c
SPTAN1 (SPTA2) Human Spectrin alpha chain, brain 0292h
Sptan1 (Spna2,Spta2) Mouse Spectrin alpha chain, brain 0292m
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