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Scientists have elucidated a novel molecular mechanism by which helicobacter pylori causes gastric cancer
Update time:2019-05-30 23:35:04   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

The researchers found that chronic gastritis and helicobacter pylori, scientists subsequently carried out a large study of helicobacter pylori, the research results show that in addition to cause gastritis, h. pylori is also the key factors that induce gastric ulcer and gastric cancer, the researchers clearly illustrates the associated bacteria and a variety of stomach disease, but how is it that h. pylori induced gastric cancer, the scientific community there are a lot of controversy.

Scientists from a Japanese research institute have revealed the molecular mechanism by which helicobacter pylori inflammation promotes the proliferation of gastric epithelial stem cells, which then trigger tumours in the stomach.

Researcher Dr Kamil Kranc said: we have previously shown that TNF- alpha, which promotes inflammation in the body, may promote gastric tumours by activating the function of NOXO1, but it is not clear how NOXO1 induces tumours in the stomach.NOXO1 is a component of NOX1 complex, which can produce tissue damaging molecular reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the oxidative stress reaction induced by ROS will lead to DNA mutation in gastric cells, which will lead to tumor formation, and the inflammation caused by helicobacter pylori infection will also produce ROS, which will increase the oxidative stress reaction of stomach.

Researchers found that excessive inflammation promotes NOX1 compound protein produced by the reaction of the NF-κB signal, the NF-κB is a kind of regulatory protein, it can be open to withstand pressure or bacterial infection of the expression of genes, is also  important role in the process of inflammatory reaction, more importantly, however, the researchers found that NOX1 / ROS can promote gastric epithelial stem cells out of control proliferation signal, causing the stomach cancer.

By elucidate this mechanism, the researchers were able to use a drug to inhibit the activity of the NOX1 complex, thereby inhibiting the growth of gastric cancer cells. Interfering with NOXO1 expression in mouse models blocked the proliferation of gastric epithelial stem cells. Inflammation increases the expression of NOXO1, which induces the proliferation of gastric epithelial stem cells and leads to gastric cancer, the researchers note. If we can interfere with NOX1/ROS signals in the later stage, we may be able to inhibit the occurrence and progression of malignant gastric cancer.

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