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Relationship between Serum LAPTM4B Protein and Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Update time:2016-09-08 23:07:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Background and Aim: Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is accounting for 90% of primary liver cancers. In the last decade it has become one of the most frequently occurring tumors worldwide and is also considered to be the most lethal cancer systems, accounting for approximately one third of all malignancies. The present study aimed to determine the possible relation between serum lysosomal-associated protein transmembrane 4 beta (LAPTM4B) protein level and both the susceptibility to HCC and clinical findings in Egyptian patients.
Methodology: A case control study. Quantitation of LAPTM4B protein level by ELISA was done to 70 HCC patients at the initial time of diagnosis and 50 healthy subjects.
Results: By simple univariate analysis, higher serum LAPTM4B protein mean level (1391 ±673.51) was found in blood samples of HCC patients compared to samples from controls (388.18± 141.48) with p=<0.001. There was no significant association of serum LAPTM4B protein level in HCC patients and age, sex, Alpha Feto Protein (AFP), Child score, Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer staging system (BCLC), liver size, spleen size and ascites, although there was higher expression of LAPTM4B protein in thrombosed Portal Vein (PV) but failed to give statistical difference.
Conclusion: Higher LAPTM4B protein is possibly associated with susceptibility to HCC but not with clinical and pathological finding of the disease in Egyptian patients.
Key Words: LAPTM4B protein – HCC – ELISA.

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Source:medical juoournal of cairo university      by SHAKER O G, NASSAR Y H, ZAHRA A, et al.
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