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Lithium ions (Li+) and nanohydroxyapatite (nHAp) doped with Li+ enhance expression of late osteogenic markers in adipose-derived stem cells. Potential theranostic application of nHAp doped with Li+ and co-doped with europium (III) and samarium (III) ions
Update time:2019-02-28 10:52:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small



Lithium (Li+) ion due to its excellent bioactivity is one of the most well-studied element in bone-tissue engineering. In this study, we fabricated nanohydroxyapatite (nHAp) doped with Li+ ions (5?mol% Li+:nHAp) and co-doped with lanthanide ions. We investigated the effects of nHAp, 5?mol% Li+:nHAp or Li+ alone, on osteogenic differentiation of human Adipose Tissue-derived Stem Cells (hASCs), their proliferation, mitochondrial dynamics and apoptosis. Moreover, we monitored cell proliferation after treatment with samarium (III) (Sm3+) and europium (III) (Eu3+) ions co-doped 5?mol% Li+:nHAp as well as their luminescent property. The hASCs treated with 5?mol% Li+:nHAp and Li+ ions proliferated more rapidly and differentiated effectively than control cells without undergoing apoptosis. Both, 5?mol% Li+:nHAp and Li+ ions improved osteogenic differentiation of hASCs. Moreover they decreased expression of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) while increased β-catenin mRNA level. In addition, Li+, nHAp and 5?mol% Li+:nHAp improved mitochondrial dynamics and enhanced expression of neural differentiation marker genes. Collectively, the study indicates on pro-osteogenic and anti-apoptotic properties of nHAp doped with Li+ and Li+ alone. Moreover, unique properties of 5?mol% Li+:nHAp and 5?mol% Li+:nHAp co-doped with rare earth ions, such as Sm3+ and Eu3+ have shed a promising light on their potential application in theranostics.

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Source:Materials Science and Engineering: C      by M. Alicka, P. Sobierajska, K. Kornicka, et al.
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