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Using the CRISPR/Cas9 reveal the role of OCT4 gene in the early human embryonic development
Update time:2017-12-18 17:34:58   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

     In a new study, researchers from Britain and South Korea using genome editing techniques CRISPR/Cas9 reveals OCT4 in human embryonic development of the first few days. The technology could help people better understand our biology characteristics of early development.

     The researchers used CRISPR/Cas9 block OCT4 gene expression, under normal circumstances, in the first few days of this gene in human embryonic development is active. The research found that the OCT4 are needed to correct formation the blastocyst in human embryonic development. Researchers use mice embryonic and human embryonic stem cells as the research object, make out standing OCT4 inactivation, they use the CRISPR/Cas9 change the DNA for 41human embryo, after 7 days, the embryo development stops, expect the embryo, OCT4 is considered also play an important role in stem cell biology. Pluripotent stem cells could become any type of cells, and they can be obtained from embryos, or let the skin cells and other cells was induced by reprogramming, human embryonic stem cells from developing in human embryonic has a higher level of OCT for that part.
     Researchers believe that produce and use of pluripotent stem cell technology is a great achievement, but the cells are still can't understand how to play a role. To learn more about the different gene that how to cause cells to produce and maintain   pluripotency, will help us to more understand production and the use of stem cells.


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