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Progress in research on regulation mechanism of glial cells in brain
Update time:2018-05-21 19:27:12   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


    Decision-making is one of the most basic cognitive functions of the brain, and many brain diseases can lead to cognitive impairment in decision-making. Clinically, many chronic diseases have been found, such as chronic pain, which can severely damage the brain. Thus, finding the nerve cells and molecular which targets for chronic pain-induced decision-making disorders has been the focus of neuroscience researchers. Glial cells account for more than 90% of the brain nerve cells. Classical theory that glial cells are only the brain "glue", can only play a certain "support" role. In recent years, this traditional view has gradually been subverted with the extensive application of optical genetic technology. Glial cells on the multiple regulations of neurons gradually are discovered by researchers. However, astroglial regulation of decision-making ability and its regulatory mechanism have not been conclusived yet.

    The team found that the decision-making cognitive function of animals in chronic pain model was significantly decreased by means of optical genetic technology and animal behavior combined with electrophysiological techniques in vivo. The intrinsic neural circuit mechanism lies in that the lateral almond (BLA) Synchronicity of cingulate gyrus (ACC) was significantly reduced. The photo-genetics specific stimulation of astrocytes in the cerebral cortex could effectively increase the concentration of L-lactate in the local microcirculation. The synchronization between the two brain regions effectively ameliorates the effect of chronic pain on decision-making in rats. This study proposed a new model for decision-making neurocognitive neural basis from the perspective of basic metabolism of glial cells, and provided a new idea for clinical intervention in the treatment of cognitive impairment of chronic brain damage.

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