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An enzyme helps to diffuse ovarian cancer
Update time:2019-07-28 19:18:46   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Ovarian cancer is one of the common cancers in women. Because it is in the abdominal cavity, so it is difficult to be diagnosed. If it is found early, chemotherapy has a better therapeutic effect on ovarian cancer. However, once it metastasizes (diffusion), it becomes resistant to chemotherapy and is more lethal.
When ovarian cancer spreads, it often moves to the omentum, an apron that covers the small intestine. The omentum is rich in fat cells, and previous studies have found that the free fatty acids produced by these cells can increase the spread of cancer. A team from the University of Oxford found that ovarian cancer cells only proliferate when an enzyme called SIK2 is present. This enzyme plays a role in burning fat to produce energy. This process is for cancer cells to survive in the omentum. Required.
The results showed that the level of SIK2 in the secondary tumor of the omentum was significantly higher than that in the ovarian primary tumor.
A series of experiments have confirmed that SIK2 not only plays a key role in growing ovarian tumors, but also plays a role in their metastatic spread to the greater omentum, where they become more deadly.
"SIK2 is an important target for future treatment because it provides energy to cancer cells and increases their quantity. Our experiments show that inhibition of SIK2 can destroy these pathways, which reduces cancer in humans. And the possibility of cell proliferation and recurrence." the researchers said.
EIAAB SCIENCE INC, WUHAN has developed SIK2 protein, antibody and ELISA kit.
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