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Concentraciones en suero de hormona antimülleriana en mujeres con y sin miomatosis uterina
Update time:2017-07-12 09:41:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Background: The etiology of uterine leiomyomatosis is multifactorial and it is unknown if a relation between antiMüllerian hormone (hormona anti-mülleriana) and uterine  leiomyomatosis exists.
Objective: To determine the differences of hormona antimülleriana levels in women with and without uterine leiomyomatosis.
Methods: 60 women were studied (30 with and 30 without uterine leiomyomatosis). The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology. Both groups were paired by age and in all them serum levels of hormona antimülleriana were measured using ELISA, also estradiol and progesterone serum levels were determined. hormona anti-mülleriana-RII immunohistochemistry was done in healthy myometrium and in leiomyomas.
Results: The mean age between the groups didn&rsquo;t show statistical difference (41.8 &plusmn; 5.6 years vs. 41.4 &plusmn; 5.7 years). Also no differences were found in weight, height and body mass index. Serum levels of hormona antim&uuml;lleriana were lower in those with leiomyomatosis [0.21 (0-10.4) ng/ml vs. 1.83 (0-6.38) ng/ml, p < 0.005]. No statistical differences were found in estradiol and progesterone serum levels between the groups. The hormona antim&uuml;lleriana receptor was no expressed neither in the healthy myometrium nor in the leiomyomas.
Conclusions:Women with leiomyomatosis had lower hormona antim&uuml;lleriana levels. More studies are needed to determine if a relation exists between hormona antim&uuml;lleriana and uterine leiomyomas.

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Source:Ginecol Obstet Mex      by Carranza-Lira, S., J. A. Bustamante-Mendoza, et al.
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