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Deletion of the Ago2 gene prevents obesity and diabetes in mice
Update time:2019-11-13 23:24:07   【 Font: Large  Medium Small

Obesity and obesity-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and liver disease, constitute a major burden on global health. Researchers from the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center reported that blocking RNA silencing in the liver of mice allowed animals to Stay away from obesity and diabetes.
The team thoroughly screened and analyzed the activity of liver genes and their molecular targets (such as key proteins such as AMPK) and found that genetically deleted Argonaute 2 (Ago2) in the liver of mice, which affects energy metabolism by controlling RNA silencing. . When it silences RNA in the liver, metabolism and the ability of the liver to treat a high-fat diet are reduced.
Deletion of Ago2 in the liver is not toxic to animals, but it does stabilize energy metabolism. "Although this is still a basic study, we believe that this may be important for obesity-related chronic metabolic disorders such as diabetes and fatty liver," the researchers said. “We can continue to explore new ways to change the energy balance and regulation of obesity.”
"The role of Ago2 is the "joining point" between liver protein translation, energy production depletion, and AMPK activity. Functional disruption of these events is a common feature of obesity and its related diseases." The researchers said
The scientists pointed out that this is an early study, they need to further verify in the laboratory model, and finally develop a practical drug to inhibit Ago2 in the clinical environment.
EIAAB SCIENCE INC, WUHAN has developed Ago2 protein, antibody and ELISA kit.


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