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Assessment of TLR-2 concentration in tick-borne encephalitis and neuroborreliosis
Update time:2019-09-26 19:59:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


The aim of the study was to check whether measurement of TLR-2 in serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can help differentiate between neuroborreliosis (NB) and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Eighty patients with meningitis and meningoencephalitis were divided into two groups: Group I – patients with NB (n = 40) and Group II – patients with TBE (n = 40). Diagnosis was based on the clinical picture, CSF examination and presence of specific antibodies in serum and CSF. The control group (CG) consisted of healthy blood donors (n = 25) and patients in whom inflammatory process in central nervous system was excluded (n = 25). Concentration of TLR-2 was measured using a commercial kit [TLR-2 Elisa Kit (EIAab, China)]. The serum and CSF TLR-2 concentration of NB patients was significantly higher than in CG. The serum and CSF TLR-2 concentration in TBE patients was significantly higher than in the CG. Receiver operating characteristic analysis of the serum TLR-2 concentration showed significant differences between the group of patients with NB and a group of patients with TBE. TLR-2 is involved in the development of inflammatory process in the CNS caused by both tick-borne pathogens: viral and bacterial as TLR-2 concentration in both CSF and serum differentiates these groups from healthy patients. Although TLR-2 cannot be used as a sole and reliable biomarker differentiating NB from TBE, results of our study are a step forward toward discovering such biomarker in the future.

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Source:Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation      by P Penza, P Czupryna, O Zajkowska, et al.
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