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Synergistic effect of cranberry extract and losartan against aluminium chloride-induced hepatorenal damage associated cardiomyopathy in rats
Update time:2018-04-25 14:31:00   【 Font: Large  Medium Small


The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of cranberry extract (CRAN) and/or losartan (LOS) against aluminium chloride (AlCl3) induced hepatorenal damage associated cardiomyopathy in rats. To induce hepatorenal and cardiotoxicity, animals were received (AlCl3; 70?mg/kg i.p.) for 8?weeks day after day and treated with CRAN (100?mg/kg b.wt.) orally daily for 4?weeks started after 4?weeks from AlCl3 injection accompanied with an administration of LOS (5?mg/kg i.p.) three times weekly for 4?weeks. Our data revealed that, compared to AlCl3, administration of CRAN extract and LOS produced a significant improvement which was evidenced by a significant amelioration in myocardial and vascular indices, kidney and liver markers, lipid profile and oxidative stress indices. Furthermore, histopathological and immunohistochemical examination reinforced the previous results. It could be concluded that combination of CRAN extract and LOS hindered AlCl3 induced hepatorenal damage complicated cardiomyopathy in rats.

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Source:Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry      by S M Galal, H F Hasan, M K Abdel-Rafei, et al.
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