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Discover key proteins that delay aging and prolong life

Posted by star on 2019-06-28 01:44:31

Autophagy is an important biological mechanism to maintain homeostasis in all animal tissues. Many studies have attempted to reveal the relationship between decreased autophagy levels and aging in animals, but there is still no clear answer.
A team led by professor Carmela Abraham of Boston university school of medicine found that Rubicon, a protein factor, inhibits autophagy by controlling a step in the autophagy process. Expression levels of Rubicon protein in the tissues of worms, flies and mice were found to increase in an age-related manner. Autophagy helps break down damaged organelles while avoiding a host of stress-related diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic syndrome. Recent studies have found that decreased autophagy levels are associated with the aging process in animals. Although there are other ways to slow down the aging process by increasing autophagy levels in aging animals, no research has pinpointed the reasons for the decline.
Professor Carmela Abraham said: "we have known that Rubicon protein is associated with inhibition of autophagy, and knocking out Rubicon protein in mice can eliminate autophagy-related liver diseases, so we suspected that Rubicon protein may directly affect aging through its interaction with autophagy."
In this study, the researchers found elevated levels of Rubicon protein in a variety of aging organisms. When inhibiting the expression of Rubicon protein, all model animals exhibited higher autophagy levels, which improved many senescence related factors and extended the life span of model organisms.
The study suggests that increased levels of Rubicon protein, which may be key to extending healthy life in humans, lead to decreased autophagy in aging animals.

Eating more vegetables helps strengthen your immune system

Posted by star on 2019-06-28 01:42:42

In the UK, the number of people following a vegetarian or plant-based diet is growing rapidly. People choose a vegetarian diet for cultural or health reasons, and studies show that it has many health benefits. One is that it boosts immunity. A large amount of foods in a vegetarian diet, including fruits, vegetables and beans, are considered to be beneficial to health. Vegetarian foods include fruits, vegetables and whole grains, but also include dairy products and eggs. Vegetarians follow a variety of dietary patterns, from vegan to dairy and egg. Research suggests that a balanced vegetarian diet may be good for our immune system and the body's associated responses.
Our bodies face daily challenges, such as fighting off viruses. The immune system is "on" in response to these attacks. A healthy immune system prevents us from getting sick. A healthy immune system can be maintained by many lifestyle factors, including adequate sleep, a healthy weight and regular physical activity. It's also influenced by what you eat. Vegetarians generally have low levels of white blood cells, our natural defense cells. Low white blood cell levels affect the body's ability to fight infection. However, having the right amount of white blood cells in a healthy range may reduce your risk of developing the disease.
In addition to boosting immunity, vegetarianism may also help our bodies engage in a related process called inflammation. Vegetarian diets have been shown to prevent inflammation caused by antioxidants in foods. Inflammation occurs when the body releases cells to attack pathogens or respond to damage. It can cause redness in one part of the body or the release of certain chemicals in the body. Inflammation is a protective measure the body USES to stay healthy.

Long-term vegetarians have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes,......

Noninvasively monitor of transplanted stem cell using exosomes

Posted by star on 2019-06-26 18:50:42

Stem cell transplantation has brought a glimmer of hope for many diseases. However, in addition to observing clinical outcomes, there are currently no tools to assess the effectiveness of transplanted stem cells. However, a recent new study suggests that such a tool may have emerged. It is an exosome.

Exosomes are tiny vesicles that are secreted by cells into the blood. By analyzing the exosomes released by transplanted stem cells, the researchers can see if stem cells are working properly. Even better, exosomes are collected repeatedly with a simple blood draw. The results were published on May 22, 2019 in Science Translational Medicine, entitled“Circulating exosomes derived from transplanted progenitor cells aid the functional recovery of ischemic myocardium”

The researchers transplanted two human progenitor cells after myocardial infarction into the rat heart, including human cardiomyocyte-derived cells (CDC) and cardiac progenitor cells (CPC).
Thereafter, they purified progenitor-specific exosomes from total plasma exosomes, thereby noninvasive surveillance the activity of transplanted CDC or CPC. The analysis of exosomes showed that they delivered the cell components to the target cardiomyocytes and achieved cardiac repair.

The authors further identified the signaling pathways of the related outcome of control myocardial recovery.The researchers compared the exosome concentrations in plasma after seven days of transplantation.The concentration of CPC-specific exosomes increased 2 times compared to CDC-specific exosomes. In addition to monitoring CDC and CPC and assessing their role in helping recovery, the researchers also found that exosomes produced by cultured cells are different from exosomes produced by transplanted cells in vivo.

Exosomes contain signals from their native cells, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and miRNA, which affect receptor cells and regenerate our target organs. We now have a tool to......

Exosome are an accomplice to assist tumor immune escape

Posted by star on 2019-06-25 19:10:51

PD-L1 and PD-1 binding is an important pathway for tumor immune escape. Therefore, antibody drugs targeting PD-L1\PD-1 have become popular drugs for relieving immunosuppression and treating tumors. However, in a prostate cancer, the expression level of PD-L1 is very low, so it usually does not respond to PD-L1 antibodies.
Recently, it has been reported that in prostate cancer, the expression level of PD-L1 is very low, because the part of PD-L1 which is translated in the cell is encapsulated into the vesicle and released into the extracellular, and the vesicle is mainly exosomes.
The authors knocked out Rab27a and nSMase2 on PC3 cells (the key proteins that control the secretion and secretion of exosomes), and found that cells lacking exosomes,IL-2 was be secreted in large amounts for cells lacking exosomes, indicating that T cells are activated. When the exosomes of PC3 were introduced, the secretion of IL-2 could be re-suppressed, indicating that PC3 exosomes inhibit T cell activity.
The authors further used the TRAMP-C2 model to verify the function of Exosomal PD-L1 in vivo. The results indicate that Rab27a, nSMase2, and PD-L1 promote tumor growth by inhibiting the immune system.
By further clustering CD8+, CD4+ T cells with T cell fatigue and activated markers, the results showed that T lymphocytes of Rab27a null and Pd-l1 null TRAMP-C2 cells were significantly activated. Tumor cells inhibit the activation of T cells by exosomal PD-L1
The authors subcutaneously injected Rab27a null or PD-L1 null TRAMP-C2 cells into C57BL6/J mice, and found that in the absence of exosomal PD-L1, immune-sound mice not only directly inhibit tumor cells edited by these genes and it also be able to produce memory for tumor cells.
Through the above experiments, it has been basically confirmed that knocking out Rab27a to inhibit exosomes secretion, or knocking out PD-L1 can directly or at the distal end to relieve immunosuppression and inhibit tumor gro......

How human cells perceive cancer

Posted by star on 2019-06-24 18:45:19

Cellular senescence is a stress response program characterized by a robust cell cycle arrest and the induction of a proinflammatory senescence-associated secretory phenotype.Cellular senescence prevents cell division and prevents damaged cells from continuing to grow.
Researchers say warning signs are issued when normal cells are under stress or danger. This mechanism is part of the body's clearing of the cell senescence system. This mechanism is also triggered when genes that are likely to cause cancer become active. The system also helps the body detect cancer cells faster to remove them before they become formed.
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh found that the key immune molecules TLR2 and TLR10 in the cell can detect when an oncogene is turned on. This triggers a series of chemical signals that cause inflammation and trigger immune cells to clear damaged cells. This is the first time that TLR2 and TLR10 have been found to play a key role in normal cell aging.
Dr. Matthew Hoare, a clinician, scientist and honorary consultant at the Cambridge Cancer Institute in the United Kingdom, said: "The damaged cancer cells age and are then killed by the body's own immune system. However, if the immune system cannot destroy the aging cells, the surrounding tissues will be inflamed and promote the development of cancer."
The results of this study show for the first time that damaged cancer cells use TLR2/10 signaling to cause inflammation, which provides a potential drug target for the body to clear senescent cells before they cause damage to aging cells. Research has expanded our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying aging and may contribute to new developments in anti-cancer and anti-aging therapies based on innate immune receptor manipulation.

EIAAB SCIENCE INC, WUHAN has developed TLR2 and TLR10 ELISA kit. Wel......

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